Key Definitions

Geometry is a language that is based on definitions.  Understanding the definitions allows the learner to understand the more difficult concepts. 

(Note: The following link will open in a new window.)

Use the following website to define the following words:
bullet Polygon
bullet Polyhedron
bullet Faces
bullet Edges
bullet Vertices


Assignment 3: "The Key Definitions":

Learn the definitions of the above five words.  In an email type the definitions that is given for each of the words from the website.  Following the web definition create a definition in your own words. 

20 Points

Email your definitions to:

Click here to see Assignment 3: "Key Definitions" Rubric



IW 0 Welcome IW 1 Introduction IW 2 History IW 3 Definitions IW 4 Platonic Solids IW 5 Fill In Chart IW 6 Constructions