Assignment 4: "The 5 Platonic Solids":

For this assignment, I would like you to accurately explain the five different Platonic Solids.  Using a word processing program, I would like you to write a paragraph on each Platonic Solid, explaining the different features.  Be sure to explain the shape of the face, the number of edges, and the number of vertices.  At the end I would like a sixth paragraph describing two facts that you discovered from the links that was not presented to you in any of the preceding assignments .  Remember proper grammar and spelling count. 

60 Points

Email your definitions to:



0 Points

10 Points

20 Points

30 Points


Explanation paragraphs No explanation paragraphs Submitted. Only two explanation  paragraphs are given for only two of the Platonic Solids.  Only four explanation  paragraphs are given for only four of the Platonic Solids. All five explanation  paragraphs are given for all five of the Platonic Solids.   
Two new facts paragraph No new facts paragraph Submitted. Extra paragraph submitted but neither fact is new material to what has already been taught.  Extra paragraph submitted but only one fact is new material to what has already been taught.  Extra paragraph submitted and both facts are new material to what has already been taught.   


IW 0 Welcome IW 1 Introduction IW 2 History IW 3 Definitions IW 4 Platonic Solids IW 5 Fill In Chart IW 6 Constructions